Page size
The default page size is set with a 2-pin jumper (ST1). The
jumper is turned OFF by placing the jumper shunt over only 1
pin, as shown in the illustration at left. The jumper is turned ON
by covering both pins. Turning the jumper OFF sets the page
size default to U. S. (8.5x11). Turning the jumper ON sets the
page size default to European A4 (8.27x11.69).
This figure shows the location of the page size jumper on the
coax interface card. DO NOT move the jumper shunt. The
jumper should be changed only by your service representative.
Print language
The default print language is determined by the placement of a
shunt over a 3-pin jumper (ST2). The illustration at left shows the
jumper configuration. The printer will work properly only with
the jumper in the standard configuration. The shunt should
always be placed over the two pins closest to the edge of the
interface card. DO NOT move the jumper shunt. The jumper
should be changed only by your service representative. This
figure shows the location of the print language jumper on the
coax interface card
Printer address and emulation
Coaxial default settings for the printer emulation can only be set
through the FSL Function. Refer to Chapter 3 for instructions
and a complete list of coax printers the interface can emulate.
Checking the interface configuration
You can check the configuration of your interface by using one
of the following methods:
• Printing the Interface Configuration Report from the Utilities
Menu of the User Interface. (Refer to that section in the
“Utilities menu” chapter of the Xerox MRP Family System
Administration Guide.)
• Using the Function Selection via Line (FSL) command T4—
Printout Settings (in non-IPDS only)
• Pressing the test button on the interface card (refer to Figure
Refer to the “T2—Online Hex Dump” and “T4—Printout Settings”
sections in the “Function Selection via Line (FSL) commands”
chapter for information on how to use these FSL function
For a description of the procedures for printing the coax
Interface Configuration Report from the control panel through
the Utilities menu, refer to “ Interface Configuration Report”