To verify that the sender’s fax number is the
same as the number the WorkCentre receives, select
Include receive header
on the Fax In property page
and have the sender fax you a document. Enter the
fax number printed on the fax header in the
fax number
6. Do one
of the following:
• Click OK to change the options at the WorkCentre
and close the WorkCentre 450c Settings window.
• Click Apply to change the options at the
WorkCentre and keep the WorkCentre 450c Settings
window open.
Retrieving documents from
another fax machine to the
You can retrieve a document that is stored in another fax
machine’s memory. This capability, called polling or poll
in, lets you and other fax users retrieve the same fax from
the remote fax machine, and pay for the cost of the fax call.