E046 The WorkCentre did not
receive a response from the
remote machine within the
required time frame
(CCITT T1 time-out error).
The WorkCentre used all
redial attempts. There could
be a problem with the
remote machine or it may
not be a fax machine.
Use a handset to call the
remote number and confirm
whether or not it’s a fax
machine. If you dialed a
remote fax machine, retry
the operation.
E048 The WorkCentre stopped
receiving the fax because
its memory is full.
Increase memory by
deleting or printing the
documents stored to
memory. Set the Receive
option To print. Retry the
E049 The WorkCentre cannot
receive the call because of
a problem with its printer.
For example, you could
have the Receive option
set To print and the If
cannot print option set to
Do not answer. If the
WorkCentre cannot print
because of a problem, such
as no paper loaded, it will
not answer the call.
Correct the printer problem
and retry the operation.
Code Meanin