
VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006) VIPO-45
Server Administration
The Server Administration feature of VIPO Web allows you to set preferences for the
Servers that are part of the cluster of servers accessible from your VIPO Web Server. The
primary Server Administration page contains this information:
Server Instance — the names of the servers in the cluster.
Selection Method — the way job submission order is determined on each server.
State — usually idle or active, the activity state of each server.
User — the user assigned to the currently processing job.
Job — the name of the currently processing job.
Pages Distilled — total number of pages distilled in the currently processing job.
Pages Split — total number of pages split in the job that the Server is presently
Files Generated — total number of files generated in the job that the Server is
currently processing.
In addition to the above information, you can choose to:
Single Refresh — refresh (reset) the job information for the selected Server.
Cycle Refresh — poll the Server(s) for its status at a short, fixed interval.
Stop Cycle Refresh — stop the polling of the Cycle Refresh option. Click Cycle
Refresh to return to continuous polling.