VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
VIPO-96 FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006)
Click on the Completed Jobs tab to see that the job is now in the “Completed” category.
Had mymailprog been a real e-mail front-end, the PDF's would have been e-mailed as
attachments to each delinquent account holder and the appropriate collection agencies.
The body of each e-mail, its subject, and all other information would have been generated
from within the VIPP application itself.
You can replace the fictitious mymailprog with whatever custom back-end you desire, as
long as it has a definite path in your file system and has a command-line interface.
Some back-end programs cannot be accessed directly via command-line, or require
extensive startup time per record if accessed in that fashion. In these cases, a custom
“bridge” and/or session entity must be placed between VIPO Dispatch and the back-end