
FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Submission Client
Job submission
Job submission involves a few basic steps.
Job submission process
Locate and sequence the files: You can select files from
local disks, DocuShare, or from the document repositories. If
you are submitting multiple files for joining, list them in the
desired sequence.
Select a workflow: Only workflows that have been enabled in
Workflow Builder display. Ensure the selected workflow
includes the processes necessary to meet the job criteria.
Modify the process settings: You can modify process
settings to meet the needs of a job in the Configure Settings
area; for example:
You can change page numbers or watermarks settings via
the appropriate process settings dialogs.
You can change the job ticket settings (for example, the
number of copies, the stock) using the Job Setup dialog in
Print Settings.
Name and submit the job: Use the default name or select a
new name, and then submit the job.