Xerox FreeFlow Process Manager Administrator and Operator Guide
Checking the status of a workflow, 2-145
Configuring workflow process settings, 2-33
Creating preflight profiles, 2-187
Deleting a workflow, 2-26
Disabling a workflow, 2-25
Duplicating and modifying an existing
, 2-24
Editing workflow properties, 2-26
Enabling a workflow, 2-25
Exporting workflows, 2-28
Fail branches in workflows, 2-27
Hot Folders
Submitting a job to a hot folder, 2-160
Submitting a VPC file to a hot folder, 2-
Submitting an RDO to a hot folder, 2-
Submitting xml workflows files to a hot
, 2-164
Error conditions for dynamic
, 2-165
Importing workflows, 2-30
Logging in to Workflow Builder, 2-2
Main window components, 2-3
Menus, 2-9
Rules for building workflows, 2-22
Setting the number of concurrent processes,
Setting the number of copy count divisor, 2-
Setting up a watermark in an email
, 2-110
Setting up repository credentials, 2-137
Setting up the proxy server, 2-186
Setting up the SMTP Server, 2-185
Toolbars, 2-20
Using third party external processes, 2-167
Adding or editing a CLI profile, 2-179
Configuring parameters, 2-181
Adding or editing a folder-based profile,
Adding or editing an external process, 2-
CLI Profile Setup dialog, 2-178
Deleting an external process profile, 2-
Managing external processes, 2-170
Moving or deleting an external process,
Setting up external processes, 2-171
Setting up folder-based profiles, 2-175
Setting up third party input and output hot
, 2-169
Workflow process icons, 2-13
Workflow Job Manager
About Workflow Job Manager, 4-1
Accessing Workflow Builder from Workflow
Job Manager
, 4-37
Accessing Workflow Submission Client from
Workflow Job Manager
, 4-37
Approving a job at a Review step, 4-28
Checking the status of a job, 4-14
Deleting a job, 4-29
Failing a job, 4-29
Logging into Workflow Job Manager, 4-2
Menus, 4-9
Modifying the copy count, 4-30
Modifying workflow settings, 4-26
Pausing a job, 4-27
Toolbar, 4-13
Viewing and editing a document in Adobe
, 4-23
Viewing job instructions for an incoming third
party job
, 4-42
Viewing preflight results, 4-24
Viewing print results, 4-25
Viewing the JDF file for an incoming third
party job
, 4-41
Workflow Job Manager main window, 4-3
Jobs area, 4-6
Jobs area columns, 4-7
Print Status descriptions, 4-8
Status area, 4-4
Workflow process steps
About Review, 2-106
About Input, 2-34
About Join, 2-44
Adding bates numbers, 2-71
Automatic Image Enhancement (AIE)
, 2-35
Barcode settings, 2-74
Configuring barcode data, 2-79