
Scan to PC Desktop
Scan to PC Desktop is now a core element of the Xerox FreeFlow Digital Workflow collection for the office.
What was once called Scan to PC Desktop Deluxe is now known as Scan to PC Desktop Professional.
The components in this solution include: PaperPort Professional 10, OmniPage Professional 14 Office,
and Image Retriever Professional 5.2.
What was once called Scan to PC Desktop Standard is now known as Scan to PC Desktop SE. The
components in this solution include: PaperPort 10 SE, OmniPage SE 3.0, and Image Retriever SE 5.2.
With either solution, the purpose of PaperPort is to create a program on the networked PC, providing a
windows-style desktop for the management of scanned image and text items.
The purpose of OmniPage is to quickly turn PDF files into easily editable word processing and
spreadsheet documents.
The purpose of Image Retriever 5.2 is to provide a method to monitor a specified server folder for incoming
scanned items. Monitoring of E-mail can also be added in the case of the Professional program edition.
The Scan to PC Desktop solution is typically sold in 25 user licenses packages. For enterprises requiring
more than 100 licenses, however, special pricing is available. Consult your Xerox Representative for