
15. Apply the settings.
a. Click Apply.
b. The right frame on the web browser will change to the machine reboot display.
c. Click Reboot Machine. The machine will be unavailable for a short period of time.
16. Configure the settings for S/MIME.
a. Refresh the web browser.
b. Click [+] on the left of Security to display the items in the folder.
c. Click S/MIME Settings and set the following items.
Message Digest Algorithm
Select a message digest algorithm from [SHA1] or [MD5].
Contents Encryption Method
Select a contents encryption method from [3DES], [RC2-40], [RC2-64], or [RC2-128].
Certificate Auto Store
Click the checkbox to automatically save an S/MIME certificate attached to an e-mail received
from an address registered in your address book.
Receive Untrusted E-mail
Decide whether or not you wish to receive untrusted E-mail.
Receive Untrusted iFAX
Decide whether or not you wish to receive untrusted iFAXes.
Digital Signature - Outgoing E-mail
Decide whether or not to add a digital signature to outgoing E-mail, and the method to use if a
signature is desired.
Digital Signature - Outgoing iFAX
Decide whether or not to add a digital signature to outgoing iFAXes, and the method to use if a
signature is desired.
d. Click the Apply button.