
Administrator Tools
WorkCentre 7755/7765/7775 Multifunction Printer
System Administrator Guide
SMart eSolutions and Billing Information
SMart eSolutions
SMart eSolutions is a suite of features that simplifies printer ownership and administration. It provides
free services to enable administration of metered billing and supplies replenishment plans for printers
on a network. The suite provides the following:
MeterAssistant™: Meter Assistant automatically submits meter reads to Xerox from network
printers. This eliminates the need to collect and report meter read information manually.
SuppliesAssistant™: SuppliesAssistant proactively manages ink supplies for network equipment,
and monitors actual usage.
MaintenanceAssistant™: MaintenanceAssisstant provides options for troubleshooting your
printer. You can send detailed diagnostic information to Xerox, start online troubleshooting
sessions with Xerox, and download usage information to your computer in .csv format.
There are three ways to register the printer for SMart eSolutions:
Automatic registration: Automatic registration is available as a standard feature on many
WorkCentre/WorkCentre Pro printers.
SMart eSolutions Windows Client: The windows client is an option for small and medium sized
CentreWare Web: CentreWare Web is a Web browser-based software tool that installs, configures,
manages, monitors, and reports on network printers and multifunction printers on your network
regardless of manufacturer. It is well suited for large enterprise businesses. For more information,
see www.xerox.com/centrewareweb.
Once you install the software, MeterAssistant is automatically enabled.
SMart eSolutions is not available in all countries. Refer to your Xerox Representative for
further information.
Before you begin:
Create an account on Xerox.com to receive your meter read information. To create a new account
see www.xerox.com/meterreads.
Ensure SNMP and TCP/IP are enabled.
Ensure the HTTP Proxy Server is configured.
Note: If your printer is locked, you must log in as a system administrator. For details, see Accessing
CentreWare IS on page 17.
Enabling SMart eSolutions
1. In CentreWare IS, click Status > SMart eSolutions.
2. Under Device Communication Status, click Settings.
3. Under Enrollment, select Enrolled.
4. Under Communication Setup, under Daily Transmission Time, type the time of day that you
want the printer to perform its daily communication with Xerox.
5. Click Apply.