
WorkCentre 7755/7765/7775 Multifunction Printer
System Administrator Guide
3. Under Server Communication, select the address type and port number. Options are IPv4
Address or Host name.
4. Type the appropriately formatted address and port number.
5. Type the details in the Path field.
Note: Type the HTTP path public/dce/xeroxvalidation/convauth and port number of 1824 to
facilitate communication.
6. If you are using Network Accounting and you want the printer to automatically obtain accounting
information for the user from the Authentication server when the user authenticates, select
Automatically apply Accounting Codes from the server. This reduces the number of screens that
the user sees when they log in at the control panel.
If you want the user to provide accounting data manually at the control panel, select User must
manually enter accounting codes at the device.
7. In the Device Instructional Blocking Window area, type text in the Window Title field to define
a title that will display on the printer’s touch screen.
8. Type text in the Instructional Text field to define a prompt that will show on the printer’s touch
screen to tell the user what they need to do to access the printer.
Note: If the Title and Prompt have been configured on the Xerox Partner authentication server,
then any instructional text that you type will be ignored.
9. Click Save.