Getting Help
Phaser® 8510/8560MFP Multifunction Product
Fax and Scan Alerts
Alerts provide messages and instructions for helping the user solve problems that may arise
when faxing or scanning. Alerts can be viewed through CentreWare IS or through the Xerox
Support Centre utility.
Note: Fax errors do not prevent scanning, copying, or printing activities.
PhaserSMART Technical Support
PhaserSMART Technical Support is an automated, internet-based support system that uses
your default web browser to send diagnostic information from your system to the Xerox
website for analysis. PhaserSMART Technical Support examines the information, diagnoses
the problem, and proposes a solution. If the problem is not resolved with the solution,
PhaserSMART Technical Support assists you in opening a Service Request with Xerox
Customer Support.
To access PhaserSMART Technical Support:
1. Open your browser and go to www.phaserSMART.com
2. Enter your system’s IP address in the browser window.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen.