
Xerox Mobile Scanner
User’s Guide
Connecting to the Eye-Fi Direct Mode Network
The Eye-Fi card has the ability to create a network access point, for your to connect your mobile device, to receive
images when you are not in range of your wireless network. When a Wi-Fi network is unavailable to transfer images,
images can be transferred wirelessly from the Eye-Fi card to a mobile device. This is referred to as Direct Mode.
After you connect to the Eye-Fi Direct Mode network as described below, you will not need to follow these
instructions again unless you intentionally remove the Eye-Fi network from you mobile device.
While going through these instructions you will be configuring the Eye-Fi Card settings using the Eye-Fi Center
application on your computer, and configuring the mobile application on your mobile device.
Tip: the scanner automatically powers off after 2 minutes to conserve battery power. Tap the function button
occasionally to keep the scanner powered on while initiating the connection between your mobile device and the
scanner. Alternatively, if you have a memory card reader, you can insert the Eye-Fi card into the card reader for
configuring the connection between your mobile device and the Eye-Fi card’s Direct Mode network.
1. On your computer—open the Eye-Fi Center application.
2. With the Eye-Fi card in the scanner, connect the scanner to the computer and turn on the power.
3. When the Eye-Fi card shows as connected in the Eye-Fi Center application, click on the gear icon to open the
settings for your Eye-Fi card.
4. Click the Networks tab, then the Direct Mode tab.
5. Make sure the option to use Direct Mode when no known Wi-Fi networks are in range is selected.
6. Move the sliders left or right to change the wait times for the Eye-Fi card. When the Eye-Fi card is broadcasting
a network it is using the scanner battery to power the network. The recommended settings are:
Select 2 minutes for Direct Mode to wait for a device to connect to it.
Select 30 seconds for the Direct Mode to stay on after the last item is received.