
Xerox Mobile Scanner
User’s Guide
Troubleshooting and Error Messages
Inserted device does not belong to this account—this message means that the user account was open on one
computer while the card was added to the user account on another computer. Log out and in again as prompted.
Not in range, secured with WPA/WPA2 PSK—this message appears in the Wi-Fi networks on an Android device, for
example. Connect the scanner to the computer with Eye-Fi Center software installed, and click the Start Direct Mode
Network button in the Direct Mode tab. On the mobile device, check that Wi-Fi is on and select the Eye-Fi card if it
does not automatically connect. If that does not work, change one of the sliders in the Direct Mode tab, click Save,
click the Start Direct Mode Network button, and repeat the Wi-Fi connection.
Unpaired card. Please pair card in Settings—this message appears in Eye-Fi on an iPad or iPhone. It means that the
card has not been set to work with the device. Press the gear icon at the top left, press Eye-Fi Card Settings. If Card
Pairing window is blank, it means that there is no Internet connection.
We are having difficulty connecting to the Eye-Fi servers. Please check your network connection to access this
functionality.—Try accessing the Settings for the device, turn on Wi-Fi, and select the Eye-Fi card. If you cannot
connect to the card because of a “not in range” message, connect the scanner to the computer with Eye-Fi Center
software installed, and click the Start Direct Mode Network button in the Direct Mode tab.