
B-6 Font List
TrueType fonts
The EX7750 includes 10 TrueType fonts:
PCL printer fonts
The following 81 PCL fonts are resident on the Fiery:
Albertus Medium, Albertus Extra Bold
Antique Olive, Antique Olive Bold, Antique Olive Italic
Arial, Arial Bold, Arial Italic, Arial Bold Italic
CG Omega, CG Omega Bold, CG Omega Italic, CG Omega Bold Italic, CG
Times, CG Times Bold, CG Times Italic, CG Times Bold Italic
Univers-CondensedOblique Univers 57
Univers 57 Condensed, Italic
ZapfChancery-MediumItalic Zapf Chancery ZapfChancery
ZapfDingbats Zapf Dingbats ZapfDingbats
PostScript name Mac OS menu name
Windows menu
name, style
Apple-Chancery Apple Chancery Apple Chancery
Chicago Chicago Chicago
Geneva Geneva Geneva
HoeflerText-Black Hoefler Text Black Hoefler Text Black
HoeflerText-BlackItalic Hoefler Text BlackItalic Hoefler Text Black, Italic
HoeflerText-Italic Hoefler Text Italic Hoefler Text, Italic
HoeflerText-Regular Hoefler Text Hoefler Text
Monaco Monaco Monaco
New York New York New York
Wingdings-Regular Wingdings Wingdings
PostScript name Mac OS menu name
Windows menu
name, style