
I-3 Index
PCL printer description files A-1
PCL printer drivers
Windows 1-1
PDF files
downloading 4-1
font substitution 4-10
performance, optimizing C-1
Phosphors option A-8
downloading files 4-1
font list B-1 to B-6
PostScript printer description files, see PPDs
PostScript printer drivers
explained A-1
Mac OS 2-1
Windows 1-1
PPDs (PostScript printer description files)
options A-2
setting print options with Mac OS 2-1
Print command (Windows) 1-1
print options
Mac OS 2-3 to 2-6
Windows 1-2 to 1-6
print quality, problems with C-4
Printer Control Language, see PCL
printer default settings
where to set A-2
Windows 1-6
printer setup
Mac OS 2-3 to 2-6
Windows 1-2 to 1-6
Printer Specific Options menu 2-6
duplex pages A-15
font list 4-3
Mac OS 2-1
to File port 1-23
troubleshooting C-2 to C-3
Windows 1-1
Pure Black Text Graphics option A-9
Rendering Style option A-10
RGB Separation option A-10
RGB Source option A-10
RIPping A-1
Rotate 180 option A-10
Shortcuts 1-13
Show menu (Mac OS) 4-5
showpage after EPS files option 4-7
Slip Sheet option A-11
SMB printing 1-2
Solaris 2.x 3-2
Spot Color Matching option A-12
Stapler Mode option A-12
SunOS 4.1.x 3-2
TCP/IP printing 3-1
tray selection
Mac OS 2-4, 2-8
Windows 1-18, 1-21
EPS files C-5
Fiery Downloader C-5
general printing problems C-2 to C-3
print quality C-4
WebTools C-6
Tr ueType fonts B-6
BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
variant of 3-3
displaying jobs in queue 3-2
printing with 3-1
removing jobs from queue 3-3
System V 3-2
Use Master option 5-2