Home Resolution This term is the same as default resolution mode,
and it is used whenever a document is sent or
copied. You can override this default mode.
IC Industry Canada. This refers to IC labels that
identify equipment certified in Canada.
Laser Printer Cartridge The image cartridge is the removable,
replaceable cartridge containing the toner
powder that constitutes the printed image.
ips Inches per second.
Landscape Landscape orientation on the printed page refers
to the image horizontal dimension being longer
than the vertical dimension.
Last Fax Data Reprint Your machine stores the last 10 pages of
received fax data. If toner is low, and the last
received fax page is printed too light, you can
reprint the last fax pages after the image
cartridge is replaced.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display. The LCD on your
machine is located near the top edge of the
control panel. This LCD is used to display all
menu items and error messages.
LPT1 Line Printer 1. Most PCs have a single parallel
port that is connected to the printer with a
Centronics cable. Some PCs have a second
parallel port called LPT2.