
Operator Guide 5-7
applications create this type of file?
Was the file recreated and resubmitted with a different driver
(for example: 6135 driver, Adobe with the 6135 PPD,
LaserWriterII NTX, Linotronic330, or DT135)? If so, what was
the result?
Has the file been printed on a second PostScript printer (for
example: on another printer, a true Adobe PS2 printer)?
Is there a printed PostScript error page. If there is one, what
errors are listed?
Was the file recreated and resubmitted? If so, what was the
Especially for large jobs: Has the file been submitted to a
queue that is accepting files and is clear of problems, and for
which resources were available and adequate?
What do you see as the specific image errors or problems in
the prints?
When you compare the problem prints with a hard copy proof
(for example, from a true Adobe2 printer), what specifically do
you need to correct?
Did this file or similar files print on a previously installed
version of the system software?
Has printing been attempted with the most recently released
version of the system software installed?
Isolating TIFF file problems
Ask the following questions when there are problems with TIFFS:
Is the file a true TIFF or is it a TIFF wrapped in PostScript as
determined by viewing the file in a text editor and checking the
PostScript header?
Did the PostScript error page list the error as "Decomposition
Task Failed" to indicate that the tags and compression formats
of this file are not supported?
What type of client and application was used to submit the
Was the file created using FreeFlow PrePress Suite, or using
generic image manipulation software (for example: Corel,
PhotoShop, or Word) or did it originate from a scanner?
Can the TIFF image be viewed using any software package
(for example: Corel, PhotoShop, ImageWiz, Word, or
Has the file been recreated and resubmitted?
Does the error page list errors such as "image mask,"
"Xeroximage," or "image" to indicate that the FTP transmission
of the file has corrupted the TIFF image data?
If the file has an orientation problem, has an attempt been