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01X Owner’s Manual
Parameter Lists
One input, two output delay and reverb effects in series.
One input, two output distortion and delay effects in series.
Two input, two output 3-band multi-filter (24 dB/octave).
Parameter Range Description
DELAY L 0.0–1000.0 ms Left channel delay time
DELAY R 0.0–1000.0 ms Right channel delay time
FB. DLY 0.0–1000.0 ms Feedback delay time
FB. GAIN –99 to +99% Feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
DELAY HI 0.1–1.0 Delay high-frequency feedback ratio
HPF THRU, 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz, THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
DLY.BAL 0–100% Delay and delayed reverb balance (0% = all delayed reverb, 100% = all delay)
REV TIME 0.3–99.0 s Reverb time
INI. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
REV HI 0.1–1.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio
DIFF. 0–10 Spread
DENSITY 0–100% Reverb density
Parameter Range Description
Distortion type (DST = distortion, OVD = overdrive)
DRIVE 0–100 Distortion drive
MASTER 0–100 Master volume
TONE –10 to +10 Tone control
N. GATE 0–20 Noise reduction
DELAY 0.0–2725.0 ms Delay time
FB. GAIN –99 to +99% Feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
HI. RATIO 0.1–1.0 High-frequency feedback ratio
FREQ. 0.05–40.00 Hz Modulation speed
DEPTH 0–100% Modulation depth
DLY.BAL 0–100% Distortion and delay balance (0% = all distortion, 100% = all delayed distortion)
Parameter Range Description
TYPE 1 HPF, LPF, BPF Filter 1 type: high pass, low pass, band pass
TYPE 2 HPF, LPF, BPF Filter 2 type: high pass, low pass, band pass
TYPE 3 HPF, LPF, BPF Filter 3 type: high pass, low pass, band pass
FREQ. 1 28.0 Hz–16.0 kHz Filter 1 frequency
FREQ. 2 28.0 Hz–16.0 kHz Filter 2 frequency
FREQ. 3 28.0 Hz–16.0 kHz Filter 3 frequency
LEVEL 1 0–100 Filter 1 level
LEVEL 2 0–100 Filter 2 level
LEVEL 3 0–100 Filter 3 level
RESO. 1 0–20 Filter 1 resonance
RESO. 2 0–20 Filter 2 resonance
RESO. 3 0–20 Filter 3 resonance