
Application examples
01X Owner’s Manual
Before Using Basics Section AppendixGetting Started Reference
Application examples
The 01X is one of the most versatile recording mixers available. Its all-in-one, fully digital operation makes it ideal for song-
writers, producers, project studios, home recording, and virtually all post-production applications. Here are some of the ways
you can set up and use the 01X in your own system.
1) Recording mixer and monitor mixer
In this application example, vocals and instruments can be
recorded to computer while monitoring playback of MIDI
tone generators with the 01X.
Here, the sequencer data drives the MIDI instruments
which come in stereo via two input channels and are pro-
cessed with Dynamics, EQ and effects as needed. The sig-
nal is then routed to the MONITOR OUT bus for
monitoring. Vocals, guitar and keyboard are input to the
other channels and are sent (after Dynamics and EQ pro-
cessing) directly to the computer.
This setup lets you record instruments in real time to exist-
ing sequence data, while hearing the previously recorded
MIDI tracks. Any audio tracks and plug-in synthesizers,
etc. can also be monitored.
Remote control features
Control your computer’s audio/MIDI sequencer from the
01X while tracking, alternately switching between
INTERNAL and REMOTE as needed. The 01X also gives
you control over the audio mixer in the sequencer (includ-
ing the plug-in instruments), as well as detailed parameter
control over the plug-in effects.
Recording mixer features
Naturally, the 01X gives you simultaneous eight-channel
input with full mixing control—level adjustment, Dynam-
ics, and four-band EQ. Using the Studio Manager soft-
ware on your computer gives you onscreen display and
control of level, Dynamics, and the four-band EQ.
This application also takes advantage of the flexible rout-
ing options, letting you set up a separate stereo bus and
recording bus. Moreover, the individual vocals and instru-
ments are recorded directly to computer as 24-bit digital
audio data—at up to 96kHz sampling rate, if desired.*
* When the 01X is set to 88.2kHz/96kHz operation, mLAN trans-
mission (from the computer) is limited to eight channels and only
one internal effect block can be used.
Monitor mixer features
Another huge benefit of this setup is that the mixer inputs
recorded to the computer can be monitored directly from
the 01X—complete with all Dynamics, EQ and effect pro-
cessing. You can also monitor the audio tracks on the com-
puter with 01X effect processing as well, via the mLAN
input channels.
(Wave) Synth
• Soft EQ
• Soft Effect
Monitor Out
Audio Mixer
EQ, Dynamics