62 Dynamics
Digital Recording Console 02R User’s Guide
Dynamics Processors
Dynamics processors are generally used to correct or control signal levels.
However, you can also use them creatively to shape the volume envelope
of a sound. The Digital Recording Console 02R features comprehensive
dynamics processors for all the input channels, tape returns, and the bus
and stereo outputs. These processors allow you to compress, expand,
compress-expand (compand), gate, or duck the signals passing through the
mixer, giving you unparalleled sonic quality and flexibility.
Preset Dynamics Programs
These are the preset dynamics programs.
No Program Name No Program Name
1 A.Dr.BD "CMP 21 BrassSection "CMP
2 A.Dr.BD "EXP 22 Syn.Pad "CMP
3 A.Dr.BD "GAT 23 SamplingPerc "CPS
4 A.Dr.BD "CPH 24 Sampling BD "CMP
5 A.Dr.SN "CMP 25 Sampling SN "CMP
6 A.Dr.SN "EXP 26 Hip Comp "CPS
7 A.Dr.SN "GAT 27 Solo Vocal1 "CMP
8 A.Dr.SN "CPS 28 Solo Vocal2 "CMP
9 A.Dr.Tom "EXP 29 Chorus "CMP
10 A.Dr.OverTop "CPS 30 Compander(H) "CPH
11 E.B.finger "CMP 31 Compander(S) "CPS
12 E.B.slap "CMP 32 Click Erase "EXP
13 Syn.Bass "CMP 33 Announcer "CPH
14 Piano1 "CMP 34 Easy Gate "GAT
15 Piano2 "CMP 35 BGM Ducking "DUK
16 E.Guitar "CMP 36 Limiter1 "CPS
17 A.Guitar "CMP 37 Limiter2 "CMP
18 Strings1 "CMP 38 Total Comp1 "CMP
19 Strings2 "CMP 39 Total Comp2 "CMP
20 Strings3 "CMP 40 Total Comp3 "CMP