118 Scene Memories
Digital Recording Console 02R User’s Guide
Character Set
A scene memory name can be up to 16 characters long and can contain any
of the following characters:
Control Icons
• INSERT – This icon is used to insert blank characters into the title edit
box at the current cursor location. Select the icon with the CURSOR
buttons and press the [ENTER] button.
• DELETE – This icon is used to delete characters from the title edit box
at the current cursor location. Select the icon with the CURSOR buttons
and press the [ENTER] button.
• COPY – This icon is used to copy the name of another scene memory.
Select the icon with the CURSOR buttons. Use the encoder wheel to
select a scene memory and press the [ENTER] button. The scene
memory name is copied into an edit buffer.
• PASTE – This icon is used to paste a scene memory name previously
selected with the COPY operation into the title edit box. Select the icon
with the CURSOR buttons and press the [ENTER] button. The scene
memory name is pasted from the edit buffer into the title edit box,
replacing any text that was there. You can then edit the text to create a
unique scene memory name.
Protecting Scene Memories
You can protect stored mix scenes against accidental overwriting using this
Memory Protect function. This is useful when you’ve set up many mix
scenes for repeated use, or when inexperienced users operate Digital
Recording Console 02R.
When the Memory Protect is checked, mix settings cannot be stored using
the [STORE] button. Any scene memory data received as MIDI Bulk Dump
is also ignored.
0123456789: ;<=>?
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pqrs tuvwxyz { | } ~