Thank you for choosing a Yamaha Clavinova. Your Clavinova is a fine musical instrument that employs ad-
vanced Yamaha music technology. With the proper care, your Clavinova will give you many years of musical pleas-
floppy disk (Style Disk).
● Full-keyboard ABC (Auto Bass Chord) provides ac-
companiment as you play across the entire
● 24 Solo Styleplay variations make it simple to pro-
duce rich, complex harmonies.
● 10-track performance memory records and plays
back your keyboard performances.
● Internal 3.5" floppy disk drive provides extended Per-
formance Memory capacity and Disk Orchestra play-
back capability – one blank floppy disk for recording
and one Disk Orchestra Collection disk with corre-
sponding score are provided.
● MIDI compatibility, GM voices, and a range of MIDI
functions make the Clavinova useful in a range of
advanced MIDI music systems.
Auto Bass Chord (ABC) .................... 20
■ Single-finger Accompaniment ........... 20
■ Fingered Accompaniment ................. 21
■ Full-keyboard ABC ............................ 22
■ Volume Control.................................. 22
■ Changing the ABC Split Point ........... 22
■ Special Modes ................................... 22
Disk Styles ............................................ 23
■ Selecting & Loading Disk Styles........ 23
■ Using a Loaded Disk Style ................ 24
Solo Styleplay ...................................... 25
■ Using Solo Styleplay ......................... 25
■ Harmonization Variations .................. 25
■ The Left Pedal & Solo Styleplay ........ 25
Disk Orchestra ..................................... 26
■ Automatic Performance ..................... 26
■ Playing Back only Specific Parts ....... 27
■ Volume Control.................................. 28
Guided Right- and Left-hand Practice
.. 28
■ Repeat Functions .............................. 29
■ Other Playback Controls ................... 30
Disk Copy .......................................... 30
■ Playing Other Types of Music Data ... 30
Performance Memory......................... 31
Easy One-pass Recording & Playback
Multi-track Recording & Playback ..... 32
■ Adding New Tracks ........................... 34
■ Punch-in Recording ........................... 35
■ Playback............................................ 36
The Chord Sequence Function .......... 37
Disk Control .......................................... 38
■ Formatting a New Disk ...................... 38
■ Copying Songs .................................. 39
■ Deleting a Song ................................. 40
■ Error Messages ................................. 40
Utility Mode 1........................................ 41
U1: Touch Sensitivity ............................ 41
U2: Accompaniment Volume Mode....... 42
U3: Individual Key Tuning ..................... 42
U4: Style Tempo Switching ................... 42
U5: Auto Synchro Start Switching ......... 43
U6: Random All Song Repeat ............... 43
U7: Octave Shift .................................... 43
U8: Mute................................................ 43
U9: Minor Harmonization ...................... 43
Damper Pedal Mode (CVP-87A only)
Ub: Standard MIDI File Playback Mode 43
Utility Mode 2........................................ 44
Clavinova Common Voice Conversion
u2: Save Panel Settings ........................ 45
u3: Load Panel Settings ........................ 45
u4: Save Individual Key Tuning............. 45
u5: Load Individual Key Tuning ............. 46
u6: Quantize Song Data ........................ 46
MIDI Functions ..................................... 47
■ Send and Receive Channel Select.... 47
■ Local Control ON/OFF....................... 48
■ Program Change ON/OFF ................ 48
■ Control Change ON/OFF................... 48
■ The Multi-Timbre Mode ..................... 49
■ The Split Send Mode ......................... 49
■ MIDI Clock Select .............................. 50
■ Panel Data Send ............................... 50
■ MIDI Transpose Transmit .................. 50
■ The Clavinova Common Voice Mode 50
The Connectors ................................... 51
Troubleshooting .................................. 52
Options ................................................... 52
Index ....................................................... 53
Assembly .................................................. i
MIDI Data Format ..................................vii
Specifications........................................ xi
Fingering Chart .....................................xii
MIDI Implementation Chart .............. xvii
Taking Care of Your Clavinova ......... 1
The Panel Controls ............................... 2
Preparation.............................................. 4
The Volume Controls ........................... 5
Demonstration Playback ..................... 6
Voice Selection ...................................... 7
■ Selecting the 60 Voices ....................... 7
■ Keyboard Percussion .......................... 8
Dual Mode................................................ 9
■ Engaging the Dual Mode ..................... 9
■ Dual-mode Voice Balance ................... 9
Split Mode.............................................. 10
■ Engaging the Split Mode ................... 10
■ Changing the Split Voices ................. 10
■ Changing the Split Point .................... 10
■ Split Balance ..................................... 11
■ Damper Pedal Operation in the Split
Mode ................................................. 11
Digital Reverb Effects ........................ 12
■ Selecting a Reverb Effect .................. 12
■ Reverb Depth Control........................ 12
The Keyboard & Polyphony ............. 13
The Pedals............................................. 14
■ Right Pedal (Damper Pedal) ............. 14
■ Center Pedal (Sostenuto Pedal,
CVP-87A only)................................... 14
■ Left Pedal (Multi-function) ................. 14
Pan........................................................... 15
Transposition ....................................... 15
Pitch Control......................................... 16
■ The Pitch Display .............................. 16
Accompaniment................................... 17
■ Style Selection................................... 17
■ Tempo Control................................... 17
■ Starting the Accompaniment ............. 18
■ Fill-ins ................................................ 19
■ Stopping the Accompaniment ........... 19
■ Metronome ........................................ 19
● AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) tone generator sys-
tem offers a range of 60 rich, realistic voices.
● A maximum of 32-note polyphony permits use of so-
phisticated playing techniques.
● Piano-like touch response provides extensive expres-
sive control and outstanding playability.
● Dual and split play modes allow 2 voices to be played
simultaneously or individually with the left and right
● 24 exciting accompaniment styles can be used to
provide rhythm-only accompaniment or fully-orches-
trated rhythm, bass, and chord accompaniment. 40
additional accompaniment styles are provided on
In order to make the most of your Clavinova’s performance potential and features, we urge you to read this
Owner’s Manual thoroughly, and keep it in a safe place for later reference.