MIDI Data Format
each instrument.
[F0H] [43H] [73H] [xxH] [11H] [0eH]
[30H] [43H] [knH] [enH] [slH] [F7H]
[knH] [enH] [slH]
[36H] [5bH] [10H]:
F#0 Brush Roll reverb depth set to -30H.
[01H] [5bH] [xxH]:
Reverb depth for all keys set to default (±0).
[02H] [5bH] [20H]:
Reverb depth for all keys set to -20H.
• Pan Set Switching
[F0H] [43H] [73H] [xxH] [11H] [0nH]
[30H] [47H] [knH] [pnH] [F7H]
11H: Clavinova special control code
0nH: MIDI Channel Number
* Received only on channel 15 (0EH) in
the CVP’93, affecting all tracks.
Received only on channel 10 (09H) in
the GM mode, affecting all tracks.
30H: Drums Parameter Change
47H: Panpot
knH: Key Number
* Also included in the panel key code in
the Common Voice mode (because
conversion is not possible). Included in
the GM key code in the GM mode.
* When kn = 01 pan is set to the value
specified in pn.
When kn = 02 the pan for all keys is set
to the pin point specified in pn.
pnH: Pan
* When kn = 01 pan is set to the value
specified in pn.
pn= 00: Normal DOC Setting
= 01: Narrow DOC left
= 02: Narrow DOC center
= 03: Narrow DOC right
= 04: Normal GM Setting
= 05: Narrow GM left
= 06: Narrow GM center
= 07: Narrow GM right
* Normal pan value used when kn is other
than 01.
However, values 48…4F are also set to
pin-point center.
• Absolute Tempo
[F0H] [43H] [73H] [yyH] [11H] [1nH]
[ccH] [ddH] [F7H]
yyH= Product ID (CVP-87A/85A/83S= 34H)
11H= Clavinova special control code
1nH= Control MIDI Change
(Transmit: n = Control Change number)
(Receive: any channel OK)
cc= Absolute tempo low byte
dd= Absolute tempo high byte
Tempo= dd*128+ccH
• Beat, Tempo LED ON/OFF
[F0H] [43H] [73H] [yyH] [11H] [4FH]
[ccH] [ddH] [F7H]
yyH= Product ID
(CVP-87A/85A/83S= 34H, or common 01H)
11H= Clavinova special control code
4FH= Control MIDI Change
ccH= 00H: Beat lamp on/off
01H: Tempo lamp on/off
ddH= 00H: On
7FH: Off
• All MIDI data available for general use are
given above.