MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des
1.2.10 Harmonic Content
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
71 Harmonic Content 0...127
(0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
Applies adjustment to the resonance value set by the voice. This parameter
specifies relative change, with value 64 producing zero adjustment. As values
get higher the sound becomes increasingly eccentric. Note that for some voices
the effective parameter range is narrower than the legal parameter range.
1.2.11 Release Time
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
72 Release Time 0...127
(0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
Applies adjustment to the envelope release time set by the voice.
This parameter specifies relative change, with value 64 producing zero
1.2.12 Attack Time
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
73 Attack Time 0...127
(0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
Applies adjustment to the envelope attack time set by the voice.
This parameter specifies relative change, with value 64 producing zero
Depending on the particular voice type, Attack Time data will have little or no
1.2.13 Brightness
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
74 Brightness 0...127
(0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
Applies adjustment to the cutoff frequency set by the voice. This parameter
specifies relative change, with value 64 producing zero adjustment. Lower
voices produce a softer sound. For some voices the effective parameter range is
narrower than the legal parameter range.
1.2.14 Portamento Control
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
84 Portamento Control 0...127
Message should be sent with Note On already sounding. The data value sets
the portamento source key number.
The channel with change from the currently sounding pitch to the next
received Note-On key using Portamento Time of 0.
1.2.15 Effect1 Depth ( Reverb Send Level )
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
91 Effect1 Depth 0...127
Adjusts the reverb send level.
1.2.16 Effect3 Depth ( Chorus Send Level )
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
93 Effect3 Depth 0...127
Adjusts the chorus send level.
1.Channel Messages
1.1 Key On and Key Off
Receivable note range: C-2 to G8 (true voice A-1 to C7)
Velocity range: 1 to 127 (Value accepted only at Note On)
1.2 Control Change
If the Control Change Filter in Function [MIDI 2] is set to “ON” transmission and
reception are disabled.
1.2.1 Bank Select
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
0 Bank Select MSB 0:Normal, 127:Drum
32 Bank Select LSB 0...127
A new bank selection does not become effective until receipt of the next
Program Change message.
1.2.2 Modulation
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
1 Modulation 0...127
1.2.3 Data Entry
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
6 Data Entry MSB 0...127
38 Data Entry LSB 0...127
Sets the value for the parameter specified by RPN/NRPN.
1.2.4 Main Volume
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
7 Volume MSB 0...127
1.2.5 Pan
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
10 Panpot MSB 0...127
0 = left; 127 = right
1.2.6 Expression
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
11 Expression MSB 0...127
1.2.7 Damper
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
64 Damper MSB 0...127
Half pedal continuous data is received and accepted.
1.2.8 Sostenuto
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
66 Sostenuto 0...127
(0-63:off, 64-127:on)
1.2.9 Soft Pedal
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
67 Soft Pedal 0...127
Half pedal continuous data is received and accepted.
If you’re already very familiar with MIDI, or are using a computer to control your music hardware with computer-gen-
erated MIDI messages, the data provided in this section can help you to control the Clavinova.
Falls Sie bereits mit MIDI vertraut sind oder einen Computer zur Hardware-Steuerung einsetzen, werden Ihnen die
nachfolgend aufgeführten Daten bei der Steuerung des Clavinovas wahrscheinlich hilfreich sein.
Si vous vous êtes déjà familiarisés avec l’interface MIDI, ou si vous utilisez un ordinateur pour commander votre
matériel de musique au moyen de messages MIDI générés par ordinateur, les données suivantes vous aideront à
commander le Clavinova.
Si ya está muy familiarizado con MIDI o si está usando una computadora para controlar su música con mensajes
MIDI generados por computadora, los datos proporcionados en esta sección le ayudarán a controlar la Clavinova.
• The Clavinova corresponds to a portion of the XG format, the Clavinova does not perfectly correspond to all XG