Song Recording
● Delete
Press the DELETE LCD button to delete the data at the current cursor
location. The “Are you sure?” confirmation prompt will appear.
Press YES to delete or CANCEL to abort.
● End Mark
Press the END MARK LCD button to enter an “end mark” at the cur-
rent cursor location. An END MARK signifies the end of the song,
and should always be entered to properly end each song. The cursor
can not be moved past an end mark. An end mark can be deleted us-
ing the DELETE LCD button, above.
● Rhythm OFF/ON
Pressing the RHYTHM OFF LCD button turns the rhythm sound off
— i.e. the start of a rhythm break — from the current cursor location.
This button has no effect if the rhythm is already off.
The RHYTHM ON LCD button turns the rhythm back on after a
rhythm break. This button has no effect if the rhythm is already on.
● All Delete
When the ALL DELETE LCD button is pressed the “Are you
sure?” confirmation display will appear. Press YES to erase all
chord and style change data, or NO to abort.
• Unless the end mark is entered, the
song will end at one measure after the
last data, or at the end of the ending
section if it is entered.
• The end mark symbol will appear in
the box on the right side of the LCD
display when it is entered.
• The rhythm on/off status is shown in
the box to the right on the LCD display.
● Check Play
The CHECK PLAY LCD button starts playback of the programmed
chord sequence. The sequence will play through until the end of the
data is reached or until the CHECK PLAY LCD button is pressed a
second time.
● End
Pressing the END LCD button initiates final processing of the se-
quence data and saves it to the disk. The “Are you sure?” confir-
mation prompt will appear: press YES to save it to disk and finish
recording the chord sequence or NO to abort. Once the data has been
processed and saved to disk the Chord Sequence mode is automati-
cally exited.