General Operation: The Display & Related Controls
Use the PAGE [<] and [>] buttons, the [+] and [–] buttons, or the
data dial to “flip” through the available pages.
The [EXIT] or [DEMO/HELP] button will take you back to the
topic list if pressed while the help text is showing, or back to the initial
play mode display if pressed while the topic list is showing.
In addition to the contrast and language settings introduced in this
section, the Clavinova has a range of parameters that can be retained in
memory even while the power is off, so you don’t have to reset all your
favorite settings every time you want to play. The “Backup” function
described on page 107 lets you select which parameters will be backed
up (retained in memory), and which will be reset to their default values
whenever the power is turned off.
Parameters that are backed up will be retained in memory for about a
week if the Clavinova is not turned on during this time. All parameters
will be reset to their default values if the power remains off for longer
than about a week. To ensure that your backed-up settings are main-
tained, turn the power on for a few minutes at least once a week.
Memory Backup