Custom Style
■ Save to Disk............................................................................................................
A complete set of 8 custom styles or individual custom styles can be
saved to disk via CUSTOM STYLE page 5.
Once created, your original custom styles can be selected for play-
back by pressing the [DISK/CUSTOM] button (its LED will light), and
then using the STYLE ▲ and ▼ LCD buttons — or the data dial or [+]/
[–] buttons — to select the custom style you want to play. The selected
style can then be played and used with ABC auto accompaniment in ex-
actly the same way as the preset styles (page 28).
• Since only one type of INTRO, FILL IN,
and ENDING section can be recorded
for each Custom Style, no “A/B” varia-
tions are produced during playback.
Playing Back Your Custom Styles
After making sure that a properly formatted disk is inserted in the
Clavinova disk drive (page 98), use the MEMORY No. ▲ and ▼ but-
tons to select the memory number of the custom style you want to save
to disk, or “ALL” if you want to save a complete set of 8 custom styles.
When this is done, press the SAVE LCD button to start saving the data to
disk. At this point the name entry display will appear and you can enter a
name for the Custom Style disk file in the same way as you entered a
name for the Custom Style itself (page 49). Press SAVE when the name
has been entered. If a file with the same name already exists the “Same
name! Overwrite?” confirmation prompt will appear. Press OK to
overwrite the existing file or CANCEL to abort.
• Saved Custom Style files can be
loaded via the “STYLE FILE LOAD”
function described in the “Style File
Load” section (page 55).
• A single floppy disk can hold up to 60
song files (page 72) and 60 style files
(the total number of files however, is
approximately 110 files).
Your custom styles must be stored to internal memory before they can
be saved to disk (see step 10 of the basic custom style recording proce-
dure). If a custom style has not been stored and you attempt to save it to
disk, the “Please store before saving” alert display will appear.
If this happens press OK to return to the previous display (CUSTOM
STYLE page 3), store the custom style, then try saving again.
Press the [EXIT] button to exit from the Custom Style mode and re-
turn to the normal play mode.