When the [EXIT] button is pressed in the CUSTOM STYLE mode prior to storing the
current style data this confirmation prompt will appear.
If the CUSTOM STYLE mode’s RECALL SECTION operation cannot be carried out,
because the time signature has been changed, this alert will appear.
If the data has not been stored in memory before saving to disk in the CUSTOM
STYLE mode, this will prompt you to store the data before proceeding.
If there is not enough memory to store the data in the CUSTOM STYLE store opera-
tion, this alert will be displayed. It will be necessary to delete a style or simplify the
current style before storing the new style.
Appears when DELETE is selected in the previous message.
The memory has become full during recording or editing in the CUSTOM STYLE
mode. It will be necessary to simplify the style.
If this appears during song recording (in this case “OK” doesn’t appear), recording will
stop and recorded data up to that point will be saved automatically.
Some Style Files are too large for the LISTEN function to handle in the STYLE FILE
LOAD mode. In this case the data must be loaded into the internal memory in order to
be played.
When you attempt to LOAD a Style File and there is not enough memory to hold the
specified file this alert will be displayed. It will be necessary to delete a style before
loading the new style.
As long as the Clavinova is regularly used, data is retained in memory. This message
will appear if the power has not been turned on for quite some time (approximately one
week). In this case all data will be initialized to the factory-preset values. This message
also appears when you intentionally recall all the factory data by turning the power on
while holding the C7 key (see note on page 108).
A problem has been detected in the hardware system during power up. Refer the prob-
lem to your Yamaha dealer.