The Utility Functions
■ Tune.........................................................................................................................
The Tune function makes it possible to tune the Clavinova over
about a ±26-Hertz (±100-cent) range in 0.2-Hertz intervals. A hun-
dred “cents” equals one semitone, so the tuning range provided allows
fine tuning of overall pitch over a range of approximately a semitone.
This function is useful for tuning the Clavinova to match other instru-
ments or recorded music. Normal pitch is A3 = 440 Hertz.
Use the TUNE ▲ and ▼ LCD buttons to set the tuning as re-
quired. The data dial and [+]/[–] buttons can also be used once the
TUNE parameter has been selected. The default value of 440.0Hz
can be instantly recalled by pressing the TUNE ▲ and ▼ LCD but-
tons simultaneously.
• The Tune setting is retained in memory even
when the power is turned off if the BACKUP
page TUNE/MICRO TUNING parameter is
turned on (page 107), otherwise the tuning is
always set at 440.0Hz when the power is
turned on.
• The Tune function does not affect the Drum
Kit voices.
■ Pan............................................................................................................................
The pan positions of the left-hand voice in a split keyboard setup
(LEFT), the 2nd voice in the dual mode (2ND), and the right-hand
or main voice (RIGHT/1) can be individually set via the appropriate
PAN parameters.
Press the LEFT, 2ND, or RIGHT/1 LCD button according to the
voice you want to pan, then use the data dial or [+]/[–] buttons to set
the pan position as required. The graphic bar shows the approximate
pan position between full left (“L”) and full right (“R”). The default
position can be instantly recalled by pressing the [+] and [–] buttons
• The pan setting is retained in memory even
when the power is turned off if the BACKUP
page VOICE SETTING parameter is turned
on (page 107).
• The default pan position for some voices is
center, while some voices feature keyboard
scaling — i.e. the keyboard is spread across
the stereo sound field (see the voice list on
page 116). Both types appear in center
position on the LCD. Any changes in the pan
setting are then relative to the default posi-
• The Drum Kit voices have special pan set-
tings for each individual instrument.
• The PAN setting affects all voices.
• The PAN setting affects the keyboard sound
• In the normal play mode (i.e. single voice
mode) only the RIGHT/1 setting is effective.