128 Chapter 10—Input & Output Patching
01V96—Owner’s Manual
B INSERT section
• ON/OFF ........................This button turns the Insert on or off.
• OUT...............................This parameter enables you to select outputs, ADAT OUT
channels, slot output channels, or internal effects inputs as the
Insert Out destination.
• IN ...................................This parameter enables you to select inputs, ADAT IN chan-
nels, slot input channels, or internal effects outputs as the Insert
In source.
C COMP section
• ON/OFF ........................This button turns the compressor on or off.
• ORDER..........................This parameter determines the order of Insert patch and com-
pressor when they are inserted at the same signal path point.
With the “COMP → INS” setting, signals pass through the
compressor first, then the Insert. With the “INS → COMP” set-
ting, signals pass through the Insert first, then the compressor.
3 Move the cursor to the OUT parameter box, then rotate the Parameter wheel
or press the [INC]/[DEC] buttons to select the desired outputs, slot channels,
or internal effects inputs to be patched to Insert Out.
The parameter indicators are explained below:
4 Press [ENTER] to confirm the change.
If you move the cursor to another parameter box or display another page before you press
the [ENTER] button, all settings on this page will be cancelled.
5 Move the cursor to the desired IN parameter box, then rotate the Parameter
wheel or press the [INC]/[DEC] buttons to select the inputs, ADAT IN chan-
nels, or slot input channels to be patched to the Insert In.
Refer to the explanation regarding the Input Patch for more information on the parameter
values (see page 122).
6 Press [ENTER] to confirm the change.
7To enable the specified Insert patch, move the cursor to the ON/OFF button
in the INSERT section, and press [ENTER] to turn it on or off.
Parameter values Description
No assignment
ADAT OUT Output Channels 1–8
Slot Channels 1–16
OMNI OUT connectors 1–4
Inputs 1 & 2 of Internal Effects Processor 1
Inputs 1 & 2 of Internal Effects Processor 2
Inputs 1 & 2 of Internal Effects Processor 3
Inputs 1 & 2 of Internal Effects Processor 4
Tip: Move the cursor to an empty OUT or IN parameter box and press the [ENTER] button.
The Patch Select window appears. Rotate the Parameter wheel or press the cursor buttons to
select an item to be patched, then press [ENTER]. Move the cursor to the YES button, then
press [ENTER]. The selected item is now patched.