Initial Track Recording 59
01V96—Owner’s Manual
7 Press the [ENTER] button to turn on the ON/OFF button located in the
lower-left corner of the page.
The ON/OFF button turns the currently-selected Input Channel’s compressor on or off.
8 While a musician plays the musical instrument, adjust the compressor
To do so, move the cursor to the desired parameter in the PARAMETER section on the page,
then rotate the Parameter wheel or press the [INC]/[DEC] buttons.
Input Channels 1–32 feature a gate that can be used independently of the compressor. To
use the gate, first press the [DYNAMICS] button, then the [F2] button to access the Gate
library. After you recall a gate program, press the [Dynamics] button, then the [F1] button
to display the Gate Edit page, which enables you to adjust gate parameters.
When you finish setting up each channel, you can start recording on the digital MTR as fol-
1 Start recording on the digital MTR, and cue the musicians to start playing
the musical instruments.
During recording, press the [HOME] button to display the Meter | CH1-32 page or the
Master page, and check to confirm that the Input Channel levels and Bus 1–8 output levels
are not clipping.
2 When you finish playing, stop the digital MTR.
3To check the recording, play the digital MTR from the beginning.
4 If you are satisfied with the recording, stop the playback and disarm Tracks
1–8 on the recorder.
• The 01V96 features four types of dynamics processors: COMP (Compressor), EXPAND
(Expander), COMP. (S) (Compander Soft), and COMP. (H) (Compander Hard). These
processors feature different parameters. (See page 278 for the parameters for each compres-
sor type.)
•You cannot change the compressor type on the Comp Edit page. To change the compressor
type, recall a program that uses the desired compressor type from the Compressor library,
then adjust the parameters as desired.