MOTIF Reference
Song Job mode
Reference Song mode
• Number Of Times
Determines the number of times the data creation is to be
For example, if data is created in the range M001:1:000 ~
M003:1:000 and this parameter is set to 03, the same data
will be created at M003:1:000 ~ M005:1:000 and
M005:1:000 ~ M007:1:000.
This Job lets you to insert continuous volume or filter
cutoff variations to create tremolo or wow effects.
❏ Settings 01~99
● [F3]-06 Thin Out
This Job thins out the specified type of continuous
data in the specified range — allowing you to free
up memory space for other data or further
• Event Type
Determines the event type to be thinned.
❏ Settings PB (Pitch Bend), CC: 000-127, all (Control
Change, Control Change number), CAT
(Channel Aftertouch), PAT (Polyphonic
n The Thin Out Job will not work on continuous
data that has a clock interval of greater than 60
clocks per event.
● [F3]-07 Modify Control Data
This Job lets you change the values of a specified
type of control change data — pitch bend, control
change, aftertouch, etc. — in the specified range.
Data changes are calculated as follows:
Modified value
= (original value x Rate) + Offset.
The modified value cannot exceed the minimum/
maximum limits of the parameter. Any result lower
than the minimum is set to the minimum; any result
higher than the maximum is set to the maximum.
• Event Type
Determines the event type to be modified.
❏ Settings PB (Pitch Bend), CC: 000-127, all (Control
Change, Control Change number), CAT
(Channel Aftertouch), PAT (Polyphonic
Aftertouch), tmp (Tempo)
• Set All
Sets all target events to the same fixed value. When set to
“OFF” the Set All parameter has no effect. When set to a
value other than “OFF” the Rate and Offset parameters
are unavailable and appear as “***” on the display.
❏ Settings OFF, 000 ~127 (-8192 ~ +8191 for pitch
bend, 0.1 ~ 300.0 for tempo)
• Rate
Determines the percentage by which the target events will
be shifted from their original values.
When the Set All parameter is not “OFF” this parameter
appears as “***” and cannot be changed.
❏ Settings 000% ~ 200%, ***
• Offset
Adds a fixed value to the Rate-adjusted event values.
When the Set All parameter is not “OFF” this parameter
appears as “***” and cannot be changed.
❏ Settings -127~127, *** (-8192 ~ +8191 for pitch
bend, ***)
● [F3]-08 Beat Stretch
This Job performs time-expansion or compression
over the selected range.
Keep in mind that this operation affects all event
timing, note step times, and note gate times.
• Rate
Determines the amount of time expansion or compression
as a percentage.
Settings higher than 100% produce expansion, and
settings below 100% produce compression.
❏ Settings 025%~400%
n Only MIDI data is affected by this job. Sample
voices are not expanded or compressed. However,
for samples recorded using the Slice+Seq feature,
the Beat Stretch job expands or compresses the
timing of the note data, step times, and gate times
that control playback of the sliced samples. The
sample voice itself is not affected.