MOTIF Reference
Pattern Job mode
Reference Pattern mode
● [F4]-04 Append Phrase
This Job appends one phrase to the end of another
to create one longer phrase.
n If this job is applied to phrases which use sample
voices, the sample voices will not be appended.
● [F4]-05 Split Phrase
This Job splits a selected phrase into two separate
n When either Style or Phrase is set to “off”, the split
Phrase B data is erased.
• Meter
Sets the meter of phrase B after the split operation.
❏ Settings 1/16~16/16, 1/8~16/8, 1/4~16/4
The job overwrites any data already existing in destination
phrase B.
n If this job is applied to phrases which use sample
voices, the sample voices will not be split.
● [F4]-06 Get Phrase From Song
This Job copies a segment of sequence-track data
from a song into the designated destination phrase.
The job overwrites any data already existing in the
destination phrase.
Undo/Redo (page 225) cannot be used to undo/redo a
sample voice copy operation.
n When there is no memory available in the
destination style for sample voice data, an error
message will appear on the display and the sample
voice data will not be copied. If this occurs, use
Sample Job 02 “Delete” to delete any unused
samples, then try again.
● [F4]-07 Put Phrase To Song
This Job copies a selected user phrase into a
specified area of a selected song.
The job overwrites any data already existing in the
destination track.
Undo/Redo (page 225) cannot be used to undo/redo a
sample voice copy operation.
n When there is no memory available in the
destination song for sample voice data, an error
message will appear on the display and the sample
voice data will not be copied. If this occurs, use
Sample Job “Delete” to delete any unused samples,
then try again.
Phrase B
Append Phrase
Phrase A
Phrase A is divided at the Split Point (the
measure number set in the above display).
Phrase A
Phrase B
Phrase A
When this box is checkmarked, sample voices used by the source track
are copied to the destination style as sample voices, and are assigned
to destination phrase. This parameter has no effect when no sample
voice is used by the source track.
Source song, track, and range of
measures to be copied
Destination phrase
Destination phrase
When this box is checkmarked, sample voices used by the source track
are copied to the destination style as sample voices, and are assigned
to destination phrase. This parameter has no effect when no sample
voice is used by the source track.
Source song, track, and range of
measures to be copied