Harmony/Echo Type List
Category Type Description
Harmony Duet An extra note is added to the note played on the keyboard to produce duet type harmony.
1+5 A parallel voice is produced a fifth above the note played on the keyboard.
Country One note is added above the note played on the keyboard for a country-style harmony feel.
Trio Two notes are added below the note played on the keyboard for three-part harmony.
Block Three or four notes are added to the note played on the keyboard to produce four or five-
note chords.
4Way Close1 Three harmony notes are generated to produce a four-note chord.
4Way Close2 Similar to the preceding type, but depending on the chords played this type will sometimes
produce a more colorful sound.
4Way Open Four-note chords with open voice (large intervals between the notes). The result is a very
“open” sound. Since the harmony notes can be as much as two octaves below the note
played on the keyboard, avoid playing in the lower registers.
Octave One note is added an octave below the note played on the keyboard.
Strum The notes and assignments are the same as in the Block type, but the notes are
Echo Echo 1/4 An echo effect is applied to the note played on the keyboard at the currently set tempo.
Echo 1/6
Echo 1/8
Echo 1/12
Tremolo Tremolo 1/8 A tremolo effect is applied to the note played on the keyboard at the currently set tempo.
Tremolo 1/12
Tremolo 1/16
Tremolo 1/32
Trill Trill 1/12
Two notes played on the keyboard are played alternately at the currently set tempo.
Trill 1/16
Trill 1/24
Trill 1/32