Auto Accompaniment
Chord Fingerings
The way in which chords are played or indicated with your left hand (in the auto
accompaniment section of the keyboard) is referred to as “fingering”. There are 5
types of fingerings as described below.
• Multi Finger ................................................................................................page 40
• Single Finger ..............................................................................................page 38
• Fingered 1 ..................................................................................................page 38
• Fingered 2 ..................................................................................................page 40
• Full Keyboard ............................................................................................. page 40
• The default fingering mode is
“Multi Finger”.
The Single Finger mode
Single-finger accompaniment makes it simple to produce beautifully orchestrated
accompaniment using major, seventh, minor and minor-seventh chords by pressing a
minimum number of keys on the Auto accompaniment section of the keyboard. The
following abbreviated chord fingerings are used:
The Fingered 1 mode
The Fingered 1 mode lets you finger your own chords on the Auto accompaniment
section of the keyboard (i.e. all keys to the left of and including the split-point key —
normally F#2) while the PSR-550 supplies appropriately orchestrated rhythm, bass and
chord accompaniment in the selected style.
The Fingered 1 mode recognizes the following chords:
Fingering =Singl
Fingering =F1
• For a major chord, press the root key only.
• For a minor chord, simultaneously press the
root key and a black key to its left.
• For a seventh chord, simultaneously press the
root key and a white key to its left.
• For a minor-seventh chord, simultaneously
press the root key and both a white and black
key to its left.
Press the [FUNCTION] button.
Select ‘‘Utility’’ by using the data dial, the [+/YES]
button or the [-/NO] button.
Press the [NEXT] button.
Select ‘‘Fingerng’’ by using the data dial, the [+/
YES] button or the [-/NO] button.
Press the [NEXT] button.
Select the way in which chords are played or
indicated (Fingering) by using the data dial, the [+/
YES] button or the [-/NO] button.
F5 Utility
F5 Util:Fingerng
Fingering =Multi
The operations for each function corresponding to step #6 are covered in the following