■ REGISTRATION .........................................................................
You can enter descriptive names for each registration setup
via the NAME function. The name entered is applied to the
currently selected registration setup.
If necessary, begin by selecting the desired registration bank
and number. The name can be entered as described on page 21.
Press the OVERVIEW LCD button to see an “overview” of
which voices are assigned to which parts, and the selected
STYLE or SONG. The BANK and NUMBER LCD dials are
available in the overview display. Press the RETURN LCD
button to return to the normal REGISTRATION display.
• It’s a good idea to give your registration setups names that make them
easily identifiable. If you’ve created a registration setup for a song
named “MySong”, a good registration name might be something like
You can specify which settings are affected by the FREEZE
function (page 47) via the FREEZE GROUP SETTING func-
Use the GROUP SELECT LCD dials to select a setting you
want to freeze or “un-freeze”, then use the MARK LCD dial to
set or remove the check mark for that setting. Repeat until all
settings are marked or un-marked as required. The parameters
included in each group are listed on page 171.
The PSR-8000 “Functions”
■ ONE TOUCH SETTING............................................................................................................................................................
● CUSTOM OTS (One Touch Setting)
The OTS LCD dial selects the CUSTOM OTS setup to be
edited (setups which contain no data cannot be selected). The
STYLE to which the selected CUSTOM OTS is assigned is
displayed to the right.
The STYLE CATEGORY and ▲/▼ LCD dials can be used to
change the style to be assigned to the selected CUSTOM OTS
The DELETE LCD button deletes the selected CUSTOM
OTS setup. When a CUSTOM OTS setup is deleted the original
preset setup is restored.