• When NTR (above) is set to ROOT FIXED and NTT (also above) is set to BYPASS, the SOURCE ROOT and SOURCE CHORD
parameter names change to PLAY ROOT and PLAY CHORD. In this case it is possible to change chords and hear how the results
sound for all parts.
• If “P” or “PRESET” appears for the SOURCE ROOT, SOURCE CHORD, NTR, or NTT parameter, the preset data uses special
■ HIGH KEY/NOTE LIMIT ..........................................................................................................................................................
The HIGH KEY dials specify the upper root limit. Chords
with a root higher than the specified limit will be played in the
octave immediately below the high-key limit. This setting is
effective only when the NTR parameter (above) is set to ROOT
Example: When HIGH KEY = F.
Root Motion C C# D…FF#
Notes Produced C3-E3-G3 C#3-F3-G#3 D3-F#3-A3 … F3-A3-C4 F#2-A#2-C#3
NOTE LIMIT LOW and HIGH dials specify the low and
high note limits for all notes in the specified part. Notes outside
this range are transposed to the nearest octave within the range.
Example: When LOW = C3 and HIGH = D4
Root Motion C C# …D#
Notes Produced E3-G3-C4 F3-G#3-C#4…D#3-G3-A#3
■ RTR .............................................................................................................................................................................................................
The RTR (Retrigger Rule) dials specify how notes held
through chord changes will be handled. 6 settings are available:
The Custom Style Creator
MELODIC This table lowers the third scale degree by a semitone when changing from a major to a minor chord,
or raises the minor third scale degree a semitone when changing from a minor to a major chord. Other
notes are not changed.
HARMONIC This table lowers the third and sixth scale degrees by a semitone when changing from a major to a
minor chord, or raises the minor third and flatted sixth scale degrees a semitone when changing from
a minor to a major chord. Other notes are not changed.
Stop The note is stopped, and resumes sounding from
the next note data.
Pitch Shift The pitch of the note will bend without attack to
match the type of the new chord.
Pitch Shift The pitch of the note will bend without attack to
match the root of the new chord.
Retrigger The note is retriggered with attack at a new pitch
matching the new chord type.
Retrigger The note is retriggered with attack at a new pitch
matching the new chord root.
Note This setting will only be available if programmed in
the original style. A designated note is produced
with designated pitch, length, and velocity
matching the new chord.
To Root
To Root