AMX NXD-CV7 Car Video System User Manual

Firmware Pages and Descriptions
7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels
The elements of the Video Setup page are described in the table below:
Video Setup Page Elements
Back: Saves the changes and returns you to the previously active touch panel page.
Connection Status icon: This visual display of the connection status allows the user to have a current
visual update of the panel’s connection status regardless of what page is
currently active.
A Lock only appears on the icon if the panel has established a connection
with a currently secured target Master (requiring a username and password).
Settings: The Default Settings button sets the video settings to their default values
(indicated in this table).
The Undo Changes button disregards any changes made on the page since
the last settings were saved.
The Save Settings button saves any changes made to this page.
Video Settings: The Black & White button toggles the Black & White display mode.
Default = Off.
The Sharpness button toggles the Interpolate (Sharpness) feature.
Default = Off.
•The Interlace button toggles the Interlacing feature.
Default = On.
Status: Displays whether or not a video-sync signal is detected.
Format: Allows you to press this blue field and cycle through a choice of available video
formats (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, or Auto detect).
Default = Auto.
Brightness: Use the UP/DN buttons to alter the brightness level of the incoming signal.
Range = 0 - 255, default = 128.
Contrast: Use the UP/DN buttons to alter the contrast level of the incoming signal.
Range = 0 - 255, default = 128.
Saturation: Use the UP/DN buttons to alter the color saturation level of the incoming signal.
Range = 0 - 255, default = 128.
Hue: Use the UP/DN buttons to alter the hue level of the incoming signal.
Range = 0 - 255, default = 128.