Atomic 112 Car Amplifier User Manual

Contact Atomic
Atomic Amplifiers LLC
476 Grace Trail
Orange, CT 06477
(Phone) 212.426.1090
Record Your Purchase Info: *
Atomic Amplifiers Reactor 112
Serial Number:
Date Purchased:
Purchased From:
Receipt Number:
*Make sure that you fill out and mail-in your product registration card. Doing so
will create a record of your purchase that will be available in case your Reactor is
lost or stolen. You can also register on-line at
Obtaining Service
How do go about getting my amp to be repaired?
If your amplifier should require service, you have two options: The first option is to take it to an
Authorized Service Center in your area. A list of service centers is available on the ATOMIC
AMPLIFIERS website or by contacting our CUSTOMER SERICE DEPARTMENT. Your second
option is to send the unit back to our factory service center for repair. You should first contact us
for a RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER and shipping instructions.
If I decide to have my amplifier repaired, do I have to pay for it?
If you haven't already, now would be a good time to familiarize yourself with the WARRANTY
that was included with your amp. Within it you will find all the information in regards to what is
covered, how long it is covered, and what is required by the purchaser in order to obtain
Warranty Service.