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You are one step closer to experiencing Sirius Satellite Radio. Sirius will revolutionize your in-home or
vehicle entertainment with:
· 100 streams of original programming, including –
60 streams of completely commercial-free music – guaranteed.
40 streams of news, sports and entertainment
· Coast-to-Coast reception and Digital-quality sound
All music content is selected and developed in-house by Sirius’ team of Master Music Programmers
– talented and seasoned professionals who love the music as much as the listeners. World-class
partners such as ESPN, ABC, CNBC, Bloomberg, Discovery and Radio Disney are developing
news, sports and entertainment programming.
Your Audiovox Shuttle receiver must be used with an adapter kit, such as the Audiovox Home kit or
Vehicle Kit as required by your specific installation needs. These kits are available at retailers where
Audiovox main units are sold.
Audiovox Home Kit: Part Number SIR-HK1
Audiovox Vehicle Kit: Part Number SIR-CK1 (with wireless FM Transmitter)
Part Number SIR-CK2 (without wireless FM Transmitter)