How is FLO TV Programming Rated?
Parental controls are built into FLO TV so that you can filter the program and
movie content that can be watched on the FLO TV service. Adjacent is a ratings
chart based on content type for TV program material and movie material:
Movie ratings information, if provided, is available in the FLO TV programming
guide. Audio content can be restricted as well based on the adjacent chart:
o Unrated content (NR) does not have a rating exposed in the user
interface, and the rating string value will be
blank when this occurs.
o FLO TV blocks or allows unrated programs based on whether the unrated
program is allowed to play with Parental Controls enabled.
o Specific programs identified as most restrictive must challenge the user to
enter the PIN, even if parental controls are turned on at the least
restrictive level.
o Specific programs identified as least restrictive must NOT challenge the
user to enter the PIN, even if parental controls are turned on at the most
restrictive setting.
o If the correct PIN is entered, the restrictive content can be displayed.