Map Display during
Destination Guidance
During a navigation, the map display
shows different navigation tools,
route information and one additional
Navigation Tools
The left and lower area of the map dis-
play the following navigation tools:
• In case of actions that must be
executed in brief succession, the
next to one action is displayed in
the small upper arrow fi eld.
• The yellow triangle represents
your position on the map. A con-
tinually changing map section en-
sures that the current position is
always closely centred on the map
(so-called moving map).
• The large lower arrow fi eld dis-
plays the next action and the dis-
tance to the next action.
- If you come closer to the action
location, a bard is displayed to
the right of the large arrow fi eld
instead of the distance:
– The more yellow bars are dis-
played, the closer you are to
the location of the next action.
• The upper street fi eld displays the
next street name.
Map Display during Destination Guidance
Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 56Lucca3_3_long_GB.indd 56 18.10.2006 15:05:29 Uhr18.10.2006 15:05:29 Uhr