© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc.
PPoowweerr CCaabbllee ((44––ppiinn,, oonnee ppiinn nnoott uusseedd))
SSeeccoonnddaarryy PPoowweerr CCaabbllee ((22––ppiinn))
DDoommee LLiigghhtt CCaabbllee ((33––ppiinn))
CCoolloorr CCooddee FFuunnccttiioonn
Black This wire supplies the ground to the domelight circuit.
Yellow This wire supplies +12V constant power to the domelight circuit.
Gray This wire connects to the (-) door trigger.
CCoolloorr CCooddee FFuunnccttiioonn
Black This wire is the ground source for the monitor and DVD.
Accessory +12V switched power source for the monitor and DVD. This
wire supplies the main power to the system (0.5A fuse).
CCoolloorr CCooddee FFuunnccttiioonn
Black This wire is the ground source for the monitor and DVD.
Accessory +12V switched power source for the monitor and DVD. This
wire supplies the main power to the system (0.5A fuse).
Constant +12V power. This wire supplies power to the DVD for last
position memory (3A fuse).