Dynacord DPA 4410 Car Amplifier User Manual

4. INPUTS 1 - 4
The inputs 1 - 4 (14) are electronically balanced. With a sensitivity of 775 mV = 0 dB, they are meant for
the connection of common control pre-amplifiers. In case off ground potential inputs are needed, the
amplifier inputs are prepared to be retrofitted with input transformers of the type NRS 90208 (per input).
Using the ROUTING switch (15) allows parallel operation of the inputs 1 - 4, providing the through
connection of the input signal, when feeding the identical program to several power amplifiers. The correct
input level can be set by using the level controls (13).
Hinweis Visual determination of the ROUTING switches’
required settings can be established by marking the
corresponding symbols, located next to the switches,
using a permanent maker.
Diagram 1 Input connections
Diagram 2 NF cable for coupled operation of two DPA 4410
All power outputs are balanced and off ground potential. The outputs are presetted by DYNACORD for
the connection of 100 V speaker systems. The connection is achieved through plugging the 8-pole socket
into the connection strip (17). Using the output transformer switch, the output voltage can be changed to
70 V, 50 V and 20 V (see also paragraph 8). In the 20 V position, the operation of low impedance speakers
with a load of 4 ohms is possible.