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Adjacent Head Amplifier:
Model numbers covered: MEP3*I, ('*' indicates options in construction, function and materials.)
The following instructions apply to equipment covered by certificate number TRL 03ATEX21035X:
10. The equipment may be used with flammable gases and vapours with apparatus groups IIA, IIB & IIC, and with
temperature classes T1, T2, T3, & T4.
11. Inspection and maintenance of this equipment shall be carried out by suitably trained personnel, in accordance with
the applicable code of practice. Only approved spares supplied by the manufacturer or approved agent can be
12. Technical Data:
(a) Materials of construction: Refer to Part numbering identification chart.
(b) Coding: II 1 G,
EEx ia IIC T4 (-40°C ≤ Ta ≤ +85°C)
(c) Electrical:
Input parameters: Ui: +16.27V, Ii: 145mA, Pi: 1.42W, Ci: 0µF, Li: 0mH.
Output parameters: Uo: +16.27V, Lo: 25mA, Po: 0.4W, Ci: 0.4µF, Li: 125µH, Co: 33nF, Lo: 56mH.
(d) Cabling: The Capacitance and Inductance of the load connected must not exceed the following values:
Group Capacitance (µF) Inductance (mH)
IIC 0.033 56
IIB 2.17 227
IIA 9.8 454
13. Special conditions for safe use:
(a) The load/cable parameters shown above must be complied with.
(b) The amplifier shall only be connected to the following intrinsically safe associated apparatus, mounted in a non-
hazardous area:
Certified Electropulse control unit with the following maximum parameters: Uo=16.27V and Io=145mA
(c) The amplifier when used in ATEX applications shall only be connected to a Control Unit certified under EC type
examination certificate TRL03ATEX21024X.
Sensor with Integral Head Amplifier:
Model numbers covered: ***S*P*H***, ('*' indicates options in construction, function and materials.)
The following instructions apply to equipment covered by certificate number TRL 03ATEX21035X:
14. The equipment may be used with flammable gases and vapours with apparatus groups IIA, IIB & IIC, and with
temperature classes T1, T2, T3, & T4.
Note: The enclosure may be at the higher of the process or ambient
15. Inspection and maintenance of this equipment shall be carried out by suitably trained personnel, in accordance with
the applicable code of practice. Only approved spares supplied by the manufacturer or approved agent can be used.
16. The cable screen may have been internally connected to the metal housing of the equipment.
17. Technical Data:
(a) Materials of construction: Refer to Part numbering identification chart.
(b) Coding: II 1 G,
EEx ia IIC T4 (-40°C ≤ Ta ≤ +85°C)
(c) Electrical:
Input parameters: Ui: +16.27V, Ii: 145mA, Pi: 1.42W, Ci: 0µF, Li: 0mH.
(d) Pressure: Must not exceed the rating of the coupling/flange fitted.
18. Special conditions for safe use:
(a) The sensor shall be installed such that it shall not exceed the Class 3M8/4M8 level of vibration as defined by
(b) The sensor may not meet the requirements of EN50020: 2002 clause 6.4.12 (Isolation of circuits from earth or
(c) The amplifier shall only be connected to the following intrinsically safe associated apparatus, mounted in a non-
hazardous area:
Certified Electropulse control unit with the following maximum parameters: Uo=16.27V and Io=145mA
(d) The amplifier when used in ATEX applications shall only be connected to a Control Unit certified under EC type
examination certificate TRL03ATEX21024X.
Please note that the safety instructions and certificates in this publication have been translated from English (United Kingdom)