Front Panel Control
4 Front Panel Control
4.1 Introduction
The Front Panel display and keypad may be used to configure, control and monitor
the receiver when an external control system is not used.
Note: A list of receiver user settings that may be viewed or changed via the front
panel and those that may be viewed or changed via the external web
browser interface can be found in the Reference Guide.
4.2 Receiver Front Panel
USB Connector
(Servicing Only)
Status LED
Figure 2 Front Panel LEDs and Pushbuttons
4.3 Using the Front Panel Controls
4.3.1 Status LED
This multi-colored LED provides a visual indication of the summary status of the
unit. The LED can be any one of three colors:
• Red (CRITICAL Error). Indicates that the unit has lost lock with the Transport
• Amber (MAJOR or MINOR Error). Indicates that the unit is locked to a
Transport Stream but an error has been detected signifying incorrect conditions
or system functioning.
• Green (NO Errors). Indicates that the unit is locked to a Transport Stream and
correct conditions and system functioning are detected.
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