Installer Menu (Cont.)
Set to 1 for MPI Aux source to be reported as a channel number
instead of channel 0. Set to 0 to disable Aux identifi cation change.
Controls MPI status channel response for Aux inputs.
053 - DIS. CH-TIME (Disable Channel-Time)
Set to 1 to disable the Channel-Time display; Channel-Time dis-
play will not appear. Set to 0 to enable the Channel-Time display.
069 - EN. CH-T COL. (Enable Channel-Time Custom Color)
Set to 1 to enable custom color for the Channel-Time display. Set
to 0 to disable custom color for the Channel-Time display.
070 - FOR. CH-TIME (Channel-Time Display Foreground Color)
Set according to Color Chart:
0 = Black 3 = Cyan 6 = Yellow
1 = Blue 4 = Red 7 = White
2 = Green 5 = Violet
Note: Applies only to “Channel Not Available” message if item
073 is set to 1 (enabled). If foreground color and background
color are the same, the menu background will be transparent.
071 - BCK. CH-TIME (Channel-Time Display Background Color)
Set according to Color Chart:
0 = Black 3 = Cyan 6 = Yellow
1 = Blue 4 = Red 7 = White
2 = Green 5 = Violet
Note: Applies only to “Channel Not Available” message if item
073 is set to 1 (enabled). If foreground color and background
color are the same, the menu background will be transparent.
073 - CH NOT AVBLE (Channel Not Available)
If set to 1 and item 028 CH. OVERIDE is set to 0, a “NOT AVAIL-
ABLE” message is displayed when directly accessing a channel
not in the channel scan list available in memory.
075 - REVERT CH (Revert to Start Channel)
If set to 1 and loss of MPI communication occurs, TV automati-
cally tunes to the specifi ed Start Channel.
078 - UPN MSB (UPN Most Signifi cant Byte)
User programmable number, most signifi cant byte readable by
MPI command. Not linked to serial number.
079 - UPN MSB-1 (UPN Most Signifi cant Byte-1)
User programmable number, most signifi cant byte-1 readable by
MPI command. Not linked to serial number.
080 - UPN MSB-2 (UPN Most Signifi cant Byte-2)
User programmable number, most signifi cant byte-2 readable by
MPI command. Note: Not linked to serial number.
081 - UPN LSB (UPN Least Signifi cant Byte)
User programmable number, least signifi cant byte readable by
MPI command. Note: Not linked to serial number.
082 - CHKSM ERROR (Checksum Error)
Enforces rigid MPI checksum validation. Set to 1 for validation.
Set to 0 to disable (does not check checksum on MPI async port).
SPI is always checked.
083 - HANDSHK TIME (Handshake Time)
Adds an additional delay to the handshake time which is 64 msec,
thus relaxing MPI timing requirements to be compatible with PC-
based Windows controlled systems. Range is 0 - 5.
(Timeout = 25.5MS + [25.5 MS* Handshake time].)
084 - PERMANENT BLK (Permanent Block)
Allows Lock (Parental Control) blocking schemes to be permanent
by disabling the blocking hours function. Set to 1 to install Paren-
tal Control restrictions permanently. Set to 0 for user-specifi ed
hours control of blocking schemes.
087 - REAR RGB EN. (Rear RGB Enable)
Controls access to rear RGB input on TV. Set to 0 to disable RGB
input. Set to 1 to enable for PC RGB input. Set to 17 to initiate a
one-time automatic confi guration after an AC power cycle; other-
wise, automatic adjustment will be performed each time the RGB
input is accessed.
088 - EN NOISE MUTE (Enable Noise Mute)
If set to 1, audio mutes if no signal is present.
090 - KEY LOCK
If set to 1, front keyboard Channel, Volume, and Captions buttons
are disabled, Power button remains enabled. If set to 0, the Chan-
nel, Volume, Captions, and Power buttons are all enabled.
091 - YPrPb2 EN. (HDMI2 Enable)
Set to 0 to disable display panel HDMI2 input. Set to 1 to enable
DTV mode. Set to 2 to enable PC mode.
093 - RJP AVAILABLE (Remote Jack Pack Available)
• 0 = Remote jack pack is not available or disabled.
• 1 = Legacy Model RJPs: HDMI Mode
Enables RJP feature for use with full cable bundle models. In
this mode, when an HDMI source is connected to the RJP, both
digital video and audio are expected via the HDMI cable. If no
digital audio is present, no audio will be heard.
• 2 = Legacy Model RJPs: DVI Mode
Enables RJP feature for use with full cable bundle models. In
this mode, when an HDMI/DVI source is connected to the RJP,
only digital video is expected via the HDMI cable. Analog audio
is provided via a separate cable, from the source, connected to
an RJP AUDIO IN. If no analog audio cable is connected, tuner
audio will be heard.
• 5 = Scaler Model RJPs: HDMI Mode
Enables RJP feature for use with reduced cable bundle models.
In this mode, when an HDMI source is connected to the RJP,
both digital video and audio are expected via the HDMI cable. If
no digital audio is present, no audio will be heard.