5.6 Is it possible to use rechargeable batteries in the keyboard or MediaPad?...................16
5.7 What is the "123" button on the MediaPad? .............................................................16
5.8 What is the "NAV" button on the MediaPad? ............................................................17
5.9 What is the "+ / =" button on the MediaPad? ..........................................................17
5.10 What is the "Clear Screen" button on the MediaPad? ................................................17
5.11 What is the "Media" button? ...................................................................................17
5.12 I understand that I can receive email or Instant Messaging notifications on the
display of the MediaPad. Which email clients are supported?.....................................17
5.13 I understand that I can receive Media information on the display of the MediaPad.
What media players are supported? ........................................................................17
5.14 I'm running XP Media Center Edition 2005. Can I use the MediaPad with it? ...............18
6 Learn about Logitech MX 1000 for Bluetooth Mouse ....................... 19
6.1 What is the benefit of the MX Laser tracking engine?................................................19
6.2 Could the Laser Engine harm me?...........................................................................20
6.3 How long does it take to recharge the mouse?.........................................................20
6.4 How long can I use the mouse once it’s fully charged?..............................................20
6.5 Does it harm the mouse to leave it on the cradle? ....................................................20
6.6 Can I interrupt a charging session before the end of charge? ....................................21
6.7 Is it true that if I never complete a full charge of the batteries, I might damage
them or shorten their total life?...............................................................................21
6.8 Should I put the mouse on the cradle immediately each time I stop using it? Is
there an optimal period for recharge?......................................................................21
6.9 Can I use another power brick or do I need to use the Logitech power brick?.............21
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© 2005 Logitech, Inc. Bluetooth FAQ iv
Version 2.0