L-Band equipped receivers can achieve sub-metre position accuracy using correction data received from
geostationary satellites. To use the L-Band corrections, an L-Band-capable receiver model and antenna
are required (refer to our web site www.novatel.com/products/gnss-antennas
for information on NovAtel
L-Band-capable antennas) along with a subscription service.
NovAtel CORRECT™ with PPP can use the following correction subscriptions:
• TerraStar for land, airborne and near shore applications
• Veripos Apex and Apex
for marine applications
For more information on L-Band positioning:
• Refer to a NovAtel Application Note: APN-061 NovAtel CORRECT with TerraStar, APN-
062 NovAtel CORRECT with Veripos or APN-051 Positioning Modes of Operation (service
dependent) available from www.novatel.com/support/search/items/Application%20Note
• Refer to the OEM6 Family Installation and Operation User Manual (OM-20000128) and/or
the ProPak6 User Manual
Refer to the OEM6 Family Firmware Reference Manual (OM-20000129) for log and
command details
• Visit www.novatel.com/support
and speak with a Customer Service representative
• Visit www.novatel.com/products/novatel-correct
Corrections can be transmitted from a base station to a rover station to improve position accuracy to
centimetre level. The base station is the GNSS receiver that is acting as the stationary reference. It has a
known position and transmits correction messages to the rover station. The rover station is the GNSS
receiver that does not know its exact position but which can receive correction messages from a base
station to calculate differential GNSS positions.
In most cases, a data link between the base station and rover station (two NovAtel receivers) is required in
order to receive corrections. It is also possible to receive and use RTK corrections from established
networks. SBAS and L-Band corrections can be acquired with one receiver and are exceptions to the
base/rover concept, although neither are considered RTK positioning. Generally a link capable of data
throughput at a rate of 19200 bits per second, and less than 4.0 s latency, is recommended.
Receivers must be powered and tracking an L-Band satellite prior to
activating a subscription service.
For more base/rover configurations, search the key words “rover
base” at www.novatel.com/support/search/